Herbaceous Annuals can be a unique pop of colour your landscape may be lacking now.  And who doesn’t like having your own supply of flowers to cut for your home?  And did I mention that there is an annual for any type of spot needing some colour! What is a ‘Herbaceous’ Plant? Herbaceous, kinda sounds […]

5 Extremely Low Maintenance Houseplants Low maintenance, easy care, failsafe, ‘even a monkey could keep these alive’, are a few ways to describe the plants I will be highlighting in this post.  I want to stress that these houseplants have been chosen because I want you to succeed with these and get the ‘green thumb’ itch. […]

it has been nine days since i neatly packaged my Canon 5D Mark III & my 35mm prime lens and sent them away to be repaired.  thats approximately 216 hours without having my camera.. seems like i am missing my right arm. i have to say that i was a teeny-tiny bit excited to have […]

this video is a Behind the Scene look at fashion photo shoot for Tata Jolie Summer 2014 Collection! the day consisted of two photo shoots simultaneously! 1 editorial inspired in a paparazzi style in the urban environment in the 60s & 1 spring / summer 2014 Look Book needless to say i was extremely giddy the […]

Bride on a Budget: 4 DIY Centrepiece ideas for your Wedding   you may or may not be the DIY kinda gal or guy..  but trust me when i say, these are EASY DIY projects that may save you some serious cash when planning your wedding!  & who doesn’t like a little more spending money […]

i grew up in a wide, open prairie. throughout my childhood, i was granted the luxury of being able to roam, (one of the advantages of growing up on a farm, in the middle of now-where)  and roam i did. i would pick a direction and go.  off to see where the wind would take […]

a few weeks ago i came across an article on oil pulling..  which instantly got my attention, as it had nothing to do with vehicles and everything to do with oral care and improving ones overall health.  hmmm…  i was interested, curious.. so i continued to read and research. (and by research, i googled, haha!) […]