Had a little Bob Ross ‘happy accident’ moment recently. Was doing the yearly organizing of the hard-drives & stumbled upon a folder that I had not really looked at. Opened it up and found a whole lot of footage I had wrote off as deleted with my old iPhone 6 that is constantly not working. Honestly cannot believe that I am still using the old girl, cannot say she is going strong.. More like dying slowly and I keep reviving her, a little less every time..
If you are like most people who learn this fact about me will always mention that I should get a new one. I then pass along our land line number and remind everyone that I really do not have a cell number (we share one cell # between Aaron & I). I use my old iPhone/along with our many other cameras for social media purposes, as in record/take photos to share socially online, once back in a wifi area. Complicated to some, makes sense to me – which is all that I am worried about. Clear like mud, right?!
If you are interested in what our little first year operation looked like, please do press play below. To be noted that it is our real life – you will have to stay tuned to our little farm operation as hope to give you a more manicured backyard when we have more time/funds to do such tasks, honestly!
Happy Tuesday & remember to keep the sunny side up!
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Copyright 2025 Ten Lairs Deep
Cut Flower Farm
Wedding/Event Videographers
Lifestyle Photographer
Pasture Raised Poultry & Pork
Funny to look back at old footage, makes you appreciate where you started from and where you are now! Thanks for sharing♥️