Easter in District 6 Oakland, CA

Was blessed to be apart of spreading Easter love, candies & bikes to a group of over 500 families of District 6 in the City of Oakland, California.


This Annual Easter Egg Hunt took place in Arroyo Viejo Park, where Desley Brooks, Council Member of the City of Oakland, organized this festive event.  My husbands company ADCO/Grier donated over 10,000 pieces of candy and 14 bikes.  To say that the children were thrilled would be an understatement!



Spending Easter weekend involved in such a ‘giving of joy’ (as in candies to kids) was exactly ‘what the doctor ordered’ for me, so-to-speak. Easter has always been a huge family gathering, in both Aaron & my families.  Not only is the food out of this world delicious, its being surrounded by family and friends: the laughs, the happy tears, the games, the gambling, the food comas…  Always epic!

This year we find our little family newly relocated to Northern California – which is A- wait for it- mazing!  We were unable to make the voyage home for the Easter weekend & I was feeling a bit sorry for my 1st world problem…  Well that was until Aaron came home one day from work with our new plans for the Easter weekend.  Different, yes, but as fulfilling – if not more!

Thanks a hundred times over for the over 500 family & friends that came for Easter at the Park.  Made this girl feel so much more at home here in Northern California!

Videographer, Sacramento, CA,

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