Collaborating with Industry Peers

What is a Collaboration?

Essentially it is a group of people collectively working together to create something.  Simple.

What does a collaboration look like?

This is where this topic can branch out to a million things!  It really does come down to you, what you do, what you want to accomplish with your collaboration, etc…
For myself, a videographer & photographer, my role is often taking photographs or video!  The following video is of a magical collaboration with vendors from the Dallas Texas area, in a CASTLE!  Who knew that Dallas Texas had castle to rent as a wedding venue!




6 Tips For a Successful Collaboration


got an idea? collaborate!1┃The IDEA

See infographic.



Better to nail down the date that works with everyone that will be involved – as everyone has their own schedule to work this into!  Be willing to shuffle your own calendar to make it work, as being flexible will allow this part of the process to go smoothly.  Choosing the date earlier than later, in the process, is ideal.



This may be a topic that the group will need to agree on, depending where everyone (geographically) is located.  Also to keep in mind, some locations require a permit or may need to be booked in advance.

I feel it is vital to go to the location prior to the day of the event/shoot.  Many things change though-out the time-span of the day & it is best to see how these may affect your event/shoot.  Some things to note would include: lighting, traffic/people in the area, sounds/noises, any unforeseen things (zumba next door from 5-7 or it is located by an airport and planes are constantly flying over, or is it near a rail way)


This is a great tool to use for highlighting the ‘day of’, as well as marking out responsibilities.  This is best done when the group is together, either in person or via video-chat online.

A few examples of things to be discussed or ‘outlined’ may include: timeline, list of things needed & who is responsible for them, noting anything that would need to be regarding the location (where to park, doors to use, etc..), phone numbers/contact information of everyone involved, etc…



The day the idea is unfolding can be stressfull – if not managed correctly!  I find that being prepared prior the event/shoot day, will save on soo many headaches & leave only room for the small mis-haps that always seem to happen regardless of the amount of planning!  One of the best management tools is your organized outline that your group had made together & am sure have been revising.



Would love to encourage you to plan a launch for this idea, making sure everyone involved is hyped up and will also participate.  Host a launch party, on or offline or both!


Would love to be excited for your idea & participate in its launch!  Leave me a link in the comments & I would be honoured to check it out!

Videographer, Sacramento, CA,

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