5 Houseplants for Beginners

plants for indoors5 Extremely Low Maintenance Houseplants

Low maintenance, easy care, failsafe, ‘even a monkey could keep these alive’, are a few ways to describe the plants I will be highlighting in this post.  I want to stress that these houseplants have been chosen because I want you to succeed with these and get the ‘green thumb’ itch.  Maintenance is simply watering every 1-2 weeks, adding some granular fertilizer every 1-2 a year, and perhaps repotting when necessary – thats it.

Below I have listed the 5 best suited houseplants for those starting out with growing plants.  I will list the common name, followed by the latin name.  Under the name you will find a little information about the specific plant, followed by specific maintenance requirements, if any!  I have provided links to AmazonPrime, although they do not all qualify for Prime & would like to note that it may be cheaper to visit your local garden center.



5 Houseplants Perfect for Beginners

1┃Spider Plant   a.k.a. Chlorophytum eletum

– if you are in a house with plants, there is a very high chance they will have a spider plant among their collection
– make excellent specimens for hanging baskets in front of windows or on the window sill
Maintenance:   Water when soil is dry to the touch
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2┃Asparagus Fern   a.k.a. Asparagus plumosus

– one of my favourite household plants, find a location it loves and it will grow into such a airy beauty of feathery ferns
– loves a bright location, does not need direct light
– used as cut foliage for floral arrangements – which is nice if you like to make your own arrangements from flowers from your yard/home!
Maintenance:   Keep soil moist – as in poke your finger into the soil (up to the second knuckle) if it is a drier moist, water
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3┃Ivy   a.k.a. Hendra helix ‘Little Eva’

– this particular variety has smaller leaves than most ivy’s and the leaves are delightfully variegated
– make excellent specimens for hanging baskets in front of windows or on the window sill
– if you are in a garden/houseplant section at your local department store this, most likely, will be the ivy they will carry
– well known for how easy maintenance this plant is
– used as cut foliage for floral arrangements
Maintenance:   Water when dry to touch
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4┃Mother-in-Laws Tongue   a.k.a. Sansevieria trifasciata

– this is a smaller variety, I believe it grows up to 18 inches
– can take low light areas
– known for being very good air purifier houseplants
– this is one that I would almost say is no maintenance – other than you need to water it (they do die)
Maintenance:   Allow to dry completely between waterings.
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5┃Parlour Palm   a.k.a. Chamaedora elegans ‘Neanthe bella’

– very small palm
– sometimes referred to as the Mexican Palm or Mexican Parlour Palm
– loves a bright location
Maintenance:   Water when soil is dry.
Buy via AmazonPrime


That is it, trust me – YOU GOT THIS!

You are now ready to go out there and grab these 5 houseplants that are low maintenance.  These are only 5 examples of the many easy maintenance houseplants, would love to hear if you have any others you would add to this list of easy care plants from your home!  The 5 example I chose to highlight seriously like to be set up and essentially left alone to be enjoyed.  Everyone can use a little ‘plant therapy’ and this is an excellent place to start.  If this gets your green thumb itching, type plant in search box below!


easy care houseplants

 Want to give a little tidbit of advice before you click away:

Get to know your plants:

stick your finger in the soil – noting the wetness, if you feel roots
lift up your plants – how heavy are they, will indicate how much water is in the soil
take a close look – any bugs around the plant or how does the foliage (leaves) look?..

easiest plants to grow

I encourage you to leave any questions that may have arose from reading this post, in the comment section below & would be honoured to answer them for you!!



Videographer, Sacramento, CA,

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