3 steps for Creating Videos Ideas ┃ Melanie Maczuga

how to come up with ideas for videos, content ideas,


Feel like your at the End of your Rapidly Fraying Rope of creative video ideas?

Hang on, I’m here to help!

Creating a concept, the ‘Idea’, for some is a very difficult undertaking. Yes, I can empathize with those of you so eager to get filming – so eager you just film everything, all the time. End result being that you have ump-teen hours of footage to go through and all you get out of it is a few moments of usable footage.  Doing the previous will only make you sick of watching all your footage, leading you to hate the process, & possibly make you not enjoy the process of creating videos.  That is something I would love to help you avoid & it is as easy as answering 3 questions!!


1. What do you want to say?

This would be where you would think about the message behind the video.  Are you sharing exciting news (personal or business)?  Do you want to share what it looks like Behind The Scenes (real life or business)?  Do you want to share or educate by creating a ‘how to’ or ‘do it yourself’?  Your message  could be as simple as wishing your viewers a Merry Christmas, or perhaps introducing a new pet to the family, or maybe your launching a new website.  What do you want to say, ha!

In a sense, the message is  your call to action and incorporating it into the process at the beginning is important. If left until the end it may not seem as organic, as when you add it to the process at the beginning. That is kinda a lot! It may be easier to switch out ‘call to action’ in that last phrase with ‘message’.  As in, if you do not consider the message/call to action, your audience will most definitely will be left to wonder or they may not even make it through your video!   Every video should have a call to action, not every call to action needs to be “salesie”.  Your message  could be as simple as wishing your viewers a Merry Christmas.


2. How will that make the viewer feel?

I feel this step is pretty straight forward! What emotions do you want to evoke?  This is a truly vital – Feelings connect people on deeper levels.  Once you narrow in on how you want to make them feel, it will lead the way for what type of shots you may want to get or the music you will want playing in the background or the tone of speech.  You have a ton of creative control on directing the viewer ‘how to’ feel, so run with it!


3.Why are you making this video?

Are you making this video for people to: cry, laugh, click to your website, checkout a product, meet your new dog, buy your services, to sneak a peek of you working behind the scenes?  Essentially, What do you want the viewer to do after watching this video?  What is the ‘call to action’?  If you do not consider the call to action, your audience will most definitely will be left to wonder or they may not even make it through your video!  Every video should have a call to action, not every call to action needs to be “salesie”!  If that is as clear as mud, please do not hesitate to leave a question in the comments!!


A few different takes on a Promo films:


Having a solid idea is the first step in the creative process of making a video!

That is it, in a nutshell!  I hope that this has inspired you come up with some stellar ideas, would love to hear about your adventures of coming up with ideas!  To be honest, some of my best ideas come in the middle of the night, or in the shower, or weeding the garden – write it down!  Those ideas that pop into your head may be some of your best work, take that idea & be sure to ask the previous 3 questions.  That way that idea will start to shape your next best video!
Videographer, Sacramento, CA,

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